Friday, September 29, 2006

Reiki-Insight - What is Reiki?

article by Diane Stafford

Reiki stems from the Japenese word 'REIKI', divided as so

'rei' = means spirit, aura, subtle energy

'ki' = means energy, power

There are different interpretations of 'reiki' depending upon the culture orfaith of the individual practitioner. However,.....

  • On an overall level Reiki means the subtle energy of the life force.
  • Reiki is is regarded as part of the Universal Laws, available to all of us.

A Reiki Practitioner is known as a channel through whom the life force energyis passed on to the recipient. A Reiki Practitioner has undergone training andhad their chakra channels attuned in order to accept a stronger level of life forceenergy.

Although you may not be an attuned practitioner, this energy is still availableto you albeit in a milder form.

Overview: Reiki is a channelling of the subtle energy of the life force that is available to all of us. It is Universal and has absolutely no limits. We are all free to tap into that life force energy for our own benefit. These benefits are enhanced by the chanelling of energy by a Reiki Practitioner.

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