Friday, September 29, 2006

Reiki Insight - Early Beginnings

by Diane Stafford

Reiki as a method of healing dates back around 2500 years. Apparently it wentforgotton for many years. However it was in the nineteenth century that thesystem was rediscovered by a Dr Mikao Usui.

Dr Usui was a headmaster, of Christian faith, teaching in Japan at the DoshishaUniversity in Kyoto. Some of his students questioned him on the miracles of Jesus as toldin the bible. They were questioning the validity of the miracle healings, askingwhether Dr Usui believed them to be true and to demonstrate by example.

Being an honourable person, Dr Usui apparently advised his students that he could not demonstrate these miracles, as he didnt know how these healings were done, but he did believe them to be true accounts.

As he was unable to prove his belief to his students, he left the university totravel to the United States of America to study theology. To cut this part a littleshorter for you. His research brought him to the old Buddhist writings of the Sanskrit where he discovered the suggestions of Buddhas healing processes.

Dr Usui went to Kurayama, a sacred mountain, to meditate and fast for 21 days. At the end of his meditation, the Reiki Symbols, their vibrations, uses and meaningswere revealed to him. He was directed to submit these symbols, their uses andmeanings to memory.

Even today, once a practitioner goes through the learning process, the Reiki Symbolsare rarely written down, but instead, committed to memory. My own experience is that Isimply don't forget them. I have even tried to forget them, but simply cannot. They are always with you.

However, the symbols are not something that you will need to remember. Nor, asI have said before do you have to believe in any particular faith. Nor in fact doyou have to believe in the power of Reiki itself.

All you have to do is be open to receiving something that is rightfully yours.

Reiki Energy is free to all from the universe.

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