Wednesday, November 01, 2006

30 days from payment disaster?

Are you 30 days from payments disaster?

In a recent survey by Prudential, more than one third of the 3 million people living in the UK who are worried about their debt problems are less than 30 days from financial disaster.

To make matters worse, most people have no protection in place to provide some income should they have an accident, sickness or unemployment. Further still, many people will have protection that is inadequate for their requirements.

Couple these facts with another little gem. A third of people living in the UK have little or no savings either.

So with no, or inadequate protection, in place and no savings a sizeable proportion of the UK are living less than 30 days away from financial disaster.

What steps to take in those 30 days.

Well if you have some form of Accident, Sickness, Unemployment (ASU) insurance then do put your claim in quickly. Where you have no, or inadequate, insurance cover then it’s time to get work quickly if possible or call in favours from lenders, family and friends.

Do work your budget out. Understand your income and expenditure, even if your income is zero, calculate your monthly expenditure accurately.

Ask creditors for payment holidays especially if you have been a good customer that has met all your payments.

Perhaps look to downgrade your car to free up some cash over the short term.

Be aware that only a few missed payments on your mortgage can lead to repossession. If the reason you are out of work is longer term then perhaps look to sell your house and rent for a while using the equity from your house sale to fund a roof over your head.

If repossession looks likely

You will know that your house is about to be repossessed as there will be informal and formal threats from your lender that repossession proceedings will be taking place.

Houses do get repossessed. Even if you don’t attend court hearings the process will still keep moving onward.

Before you get to court, your lender will be busily compiling details of letters sent, conversations held, and notes of what they believe was said in the run up to the court case. They will use this evidence in court to get your home from you so be prepared. Keep records of the letters received, make notes of all calls incoming and outgoing between you and your lender for use at a later date.

The good news is that courts do not like to issue repossession orders. The bad news is that they must uphold the law and if you are not prepared or have not shown a willingness to come to payment arrangements then the judge will have no alternative but to grant the repossession.

Steps to try and prevent a court hearing

To try and prevent a court appearance, do be polite and honest at all times whilst working toward a more positive dialogue. Look to offer reduced but affordable payments if possible. If you miss an agreed payment at this stage it will only serve to exacerbate problems and may even be taken as a sign to proceed to court so do not over promise.

Consider asking for a mortgage payment holiday but do get any agreement of this nature in writing and do check how the lender intends to reflect this holiday on your credit file.

If you are on a repayment mortgage then consider asking if you can go onto interest only payments for a while. Do get proper financial advice before you consider this course of action as there are consequences to this step. It is common for lenders to charge a small administration fee to organise this change.

If you end up in a repossession hearing

If you do end up in a repossession hearing but the debt issue has passed then do gather as much evidence as possible including new job offers and details of your current or expected income expenditure. If you convince the judge that your situation has improved then they will be more likely to suspend or set aside a repossession order. It is very common that as part of that hearing you will be expected to agree to increased mortgage payments to reduce and eliminate any arrears. This is why it is important to have a realistic monthly income and expenditure budget to hand.
If your debt issue has not been resolved and you are facing repossession then do get professional help.

In fact, regardless of where you are currently do get proper debt advice from a professional. A short article such as this cannot convey all the options available. Talk to someone who understands what options are available to help under these circumstances.

Ask your debt professional to explain the 6 options that resolve personal debt issues. Get the debt help and advice you need to get back on your feet once more.

Ed Pearson is a Debt Dr. Debt Dr is a company that helps individuals and small businesses through debt issues. He can be contacted at: This article does not constitute financial advice. Any action you wish to take should only be done so after considering your own set of circumstances with an appropriately qualified professional. ‘Prescribing life without debt’


Other resources avaialable to assist your financial situation offers a revolutionary new personal financial management system presented in a personal organiser and audio format that is a serious, effective, and powerful learning system that guarantees to help you reduce your debts and improve your finances when you follow this unique system.

for more information about this unique system - see here

Whatever your situation, ignoring financial difficulties, is a road to disaster - act now.


Diane Stafford

Reiki - Finance Series

Debt Dr is sharing a few of his finance articles with us which will be posted here and on our articles directory.

We trust Debt Dr will offer some useful advice for you.

Diane Stafford

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Reiki Positive Thinking Goals

Reiki - Goals

Positive Thinking

Video Audio

Diane Stafford discussion with Reiki Master touching upon goal setting.

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Reiki - Positive Thinking

Just a very quick post for a very early Saturday morning when I should be sleeping.

Positive Thinking

A well known saying:

"Thoughts become things"

  • think positively - you achieve positive things

  • think negatively - well, what do you think?

be careful what you wish for.

Have a wonderfully positive weekend.

Diane Stafford

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Friday, September 29, 2006

Reiki Insight - Ecademy

Are you in business, seeking a community of like minded people with whom to exchange ideas and develop growth for your business?

Follow the link

View my profile and take a look at the home page.

There is so much you can discover through the online networking site.

Hope to see you there.


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Reiki Insight - Early Beginnings

by Diane Stafford

Reiki as a method of healing dates back around 2500 years. Apparently it wentforgotton for many years. However it was in the nineteenth century that thesystem was rediscovered by a Dr Mikao Usui.

Dr Usui was a headmaster, of Christian faith, teaching in Japan at the DoshishaUniversity in Kyoto. Some of his students questioned him on the miracles of Jesus as toldin the bible. They were questioning the validity of the miracle healings, askingwhether Dr Usui believed them to be true and to demonstrate by example.

Being an honourable person, Dr Usui apparently advised his students that he could not demonstrate these miracles, as he didnt know how these healings were done, but he did believe them to be true accounts.

As he was unable to prove his belief to his students, he left the university totravel to the United States of America to study theology. To cut this part a littleshorter for you. His research brought him to the old Buddhist writings of the Sanskrit where he discovered the suggestions of Buddhas healing processes.

Dr Usui went to Kurayama, a sacred mountain, to meditate and fast for 21 days. At the end of his meditation, the Reiki Symbols, their vibrations, uses and meaningswere revealed to him. He was directed to submit these symbols, their uses andmeanings to memory.

Even today, once a practitioner goes through the learning process, the Reiki Symbolsare rarely written down, but instead, committed to memory. My own experience is that Isimply don't forget them. I have even tried to forget them, but simply cannot. They are always with you.

However, the symbols are not something that you will need to remember. Nor, asI have said before do you have to believe in any particular faith. Nor in fact doyou have to believe in the power of Reiki itself.

All you have to do is be open to receiving something that is rightfully yours.

Reiki Energy is free to all from the universe.

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Reiki-Insight - What is Reiki?

article by Diane Stafford

Reiki stems from the Japenese word 'REIKI', divided as so

'rei' = means spirit, aura, subtle energy

'ki' = means energy, power

There are different interpretations of 'reiki' depending upon the culture orfaith of the individual practitioner. However,.....

  • On an overall level Reiki means the subtle energy of the life force.
  • Reiki is is regarded as part of the Universal Laws, available to all of us.

A Reiki Practitioner is known as a channel through whom the life force energyis passed on to the recipient. A Reiki Practitioner has undergone training andhad their chakra channels attuned in order to accept a stronger level of life forceenergy.

Although you may not be an attuned practitioner, this energy is still availableto you albeit in a milder form.

Overview: Reiki is a channelling of the subtle energy of the life force that is available to all of us. It is Universal and has absolutely no limits. We are all free to tap into that life force energy for our own benefit. These benefits are enhanced by the chanelling of energy by a Reiki Practitioner.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Book by Diane Stafford

Positive Success Without Stress

A new book - Diane Stafford

Positive Success without Stress offers techniques and exercises which will have you thinking calmly for positive success. Stop sabotaging your achievement of success.

Included with the launch of the Deluxe Edition, is MindSwitch (tm) Method, to reinforce your thinking and creating the belief in yourself that you really can achieve whatever you switch and set your mind to.

Is it about time that you took control of your path to success. Achieve more than you ever believed you could.

Best wishes


ps: the Deluxe Edition also includes a wonderful reiki video, filled with images and positive success quotations that you can use each and every day, to relax and maintain and support your resolve on your journey to a new you.

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Technorati Profile

Reiki Video

Just released, Diane Stafford, discussion with a Reiki Master.

Reiki Stress Relief

Audio and Video

Are you sceptical about the benefits of reiki? Well, you are not on your own, most people new to reiki are sceptical, I was, so was the reiki master I am speaking to on this audio.

Once you give yourself permission to believe that reiki just might work for you, your mind can open up to all possibilities and bring you the benefits of some amazing opportunities.

Unblock your limiting beliefs.

bye for now

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Sunday, September 03, 2006


We are currently reformatting our website and ecourse based on the valued feedback some of you have helped us with.

The reformatting may take a couple of weeks due to other projects, so please be patient with us.

We are sure the enhancements to our ecourse will be of greater benefit to your continued success.

kind regards

Monday, July 24, 2006

Free Web Seminar

Personal Success Program

Have you signed up for your Reiki-Insight ECourse yet?

Sign up now and as part of the ecourse you will receive

a free web seminar from Develop Growth.

The free ecourse is packed with valuable information,

support and exercises to help you manage stress at

work, develop relaxation, assist with personal issues

and much more.

Find out more about Reiki-Insight and how you can

benefit in all areas of your life.

Join Mailing List Here

Inspiration and Inner Peace

Diane Stafford


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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Reiki Energy Removes Blockages

In todays world it is easy for us all to become overloaded.

Through work or in our private lives.

This often results in our energies becoming blocked.

When our energies become blocked, it is more difficult for us to focus on what we want to achieve in one or more areas of our lives.

This frustration can result in you feeling stressed.

With Reiki Energy, you can unblock to move forward in life.

Diane Stafford


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Reiki Therapy Course and Childhood Arthritis

How does a boy live with arthritis? - This is Local London

Of course it's awful for anyone to suffer pain, but it's particularly distressing when young children are in pain and suffering.

This story is about a little boy with Arthritis, diagnosed in New York, confirmed on return to UK.

His parents help him with his condition by utilising several alternative therapy treatments in combination with conventional medical treatment, in order to relieve his symptoms.

How does a boy live with arthritis?
This is Local London, UK - 21 Jul 2006
... "Massage, homeopathy, reiki, acupressure and osteopathy are all things we do with Justin in addition to following the instructions of the rheumatologist.". ...


Reiki for Inner Peace

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Attracting the Law of Attraction

Reiki Insight into:-

'The Law of Attraction'

The Law of Attraction is quite a hot topic of interest at the moment. everywhere you look, almost everywhere you read you will see something about the Law of Attraction.

Reiki Massage draws on the Universal Energy - just as does the Law of Attraction.

I had a great conversation with a Law of attraction and Spiritual Consultant about some aspects of the law of attraction. She gave me some insight into how the law of attraction energy, universal energy can be harnessed to help everyone achieve more in their lives.

You don't have to be qualified to harness this energy - it is for everyone.

The audio will be available to members of our reiki-insight training ecourse soon.


Inspiring Inner Peace

ps: Nobody said it's easy to apply, but understanding how it is possible helps a great deal.

Reiki Master Interview

I was lucky enough to have a teleconference call with a UK Reiki Master.

He very kindly made his time available for me to ask him several questions relating to how Reiki or Universal Energy is available to everyone, not only to Reiki Practitioners.

I really enjoyed the interview process and was pleased to be able to answer some of our reiki-insight members questions.

The audio will be available to members of our reiki-insight training e-course soon.


Inspiring Inner Peace

Ecourse Part 5

Hello All,

For those of you who are following our Reiki Training E Course and have undertaken your reflection and personal principles exercise......

If you have a question or query that the group can discuss with you, then please do add it here if you would like a wider discussion on your theme, progress or in general.

Inspiring Inner Peace


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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Even Prince Charles Agrees

Aiming to put back pain behind you - This Is Lancashire

Check out this article.

Even Prince Charles believes that Reiki Massage and other therpies should be available

in combination with conventional treatment.

If you have a bad back this might be of particular interest...check it out!

Aiming to put back pain behind you
This Is Lancashire, UK - 5 hours ago
... asthma. She also practises aromatherapy, traditional massage, reflexology and reiki. Marie trained in Thai massage in Thailand. ...

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Reiki Insight - Reiki Massage Therapy Growing in NH

Alternative therapies grow in NH - The Union Leader

This article demonstrates the increased interest in Reiki Massage Therapy within the Health Service.

It also indicates how patients of health services can benefit from Reiki Massage Courses as well as several other alternative therapies.

Having been involved in the Health Sector for many years, it's great to see that Reiki treatment courses are now becoming more aceptable.

Have a read..........

Alternative therapies grow in NH
The Union Leader, NH - 17 Jun 2006
... Joseph Hospital in Nashua and Concord Hospital offer a range of treatments from acupuncture, meditation, Reiki, massage, yoga and music therapy. ...

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Reiki Therapy Colours

Reiki Massage or Therapy is combined with colour.

Our Reiki Chakras are represented by colour.  The above picture

provides example of the range of colours often associated with

the benefits of using colour to stimulate an individuals chakras.


Diane Stafford

Welcome To Reiki-Insight

Reiki is for anyone. Although I am myself a level ll practitioner, and have been since 2001, Reiki Massage can be used my anybody to enhance their own lives in various ways.

Reiki-Insight aims to bring you information about Reiki Massage which you may wish to apply to benefit all aspects of your own life. Reiki really is a personal success program.

Keep watching these pages for more information.



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