Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Book Reviews

Latest Book Reviews

I have recently reviewed a couple more books, so if reading is one of your interests, please do pop over to my lens and read the latest reviews.


The latest book 'Tango' will have an updated review added once I stop laughing and get to the end!!



Monday, February 12, 2007

Fiendish Fever

Fiendish Fever has been the theme for the past week or so in our household.

Coughs and splutters, temperatures, hot sweats, cold sweats, pain killers, cough medicine, cold flannels, warm baths, blankets and.....

....... hardly any sleep!

With three kids all spluttering at various stages throughout the week it has been a time of natural concern, lots of chicken soup, pushing fluids and administering medicines.

Despite their discomfort the kids are pulling through and they were arguing today, a good indication that they are well and truly over the worst of it, thank goodness.

Apart from a little headache probably brought on by lack of sleep, I escaped with a minor cold, cough and temporary voice loss!

It's school holidays here so I am hoping that the kids recover quickly enough to enjoy some external pastime before they have to go back to school! Thank goodness we hadn't planned to go away this week!

I hope your week has not included any of the above and that you are able to enjoy your kids school holidays without a thermometer!

'A Mum with Kids'


Monday, January 29, 2007



Being grounded is simply a way of achieving a perspective of your 'here and now', your 'present' situation with a balanced understanding of your current 'reality' in a balanced way.

When you are ungrounded you may sense that your present reality is not balanced and perhaps be aware of your stress levels increasing.

When you recognise yourself to be ungrounded - simply use reiki energy, meditation or other relaxation techniques to de-stress and re-ground yourself, physically and mentally.

Any questions, please ask.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Connecting The Dots

Any creative innovators in the house?

Creatives, inventors and innovators can generate a multitude of ideas for new products or technologies but perhaps not know how to get these ideas to the development stage and market ready.

If you require guidance on this, Connecting The Dots by Roark McMaster is a great place to start.

Roark has been helping people achieve their creative dreams for many years and really knows what he is talking about.

His book is of benefit to any one who want to avoid the pitfalls often experienced in this process.

There is more information on his website: http://www.justimagineuk.com/links.htm

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Book review - image

Had a blip with the image uploader, hopefully you can see the book image now.

More Information


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Goals - Free Property

Special Book Review

My friend Andy Shaw recently launched a book everyone has been waiting for.

It basically tells us how in his first 12 months he bought 74 properties worth over £12,000,000 with none of his own money.

Essential reading?

You better bet your retirement it is!

He now owns 200 + properties ...He has printed just 500 books in the first run. I got my
copy in time for Christmas, and it really is the most incredible"wealth creation" information I have ever seen.

Andy has received eight A4 pages of testimonials already and that was before he was fully launched, it is a must-buy-right-now kinda book.

Andy claims in his book that ANYONE can achieve financial independence investing in property using his methods in 7 years.

And having seen it all explained so clearly I completely agree with him!

Don't Miss Out - Go here now and see for yourself: more information here

Open for orders for the next print run - coming soon


ps: the link has been receiving a lot of ethical traffic from the promotions, so please do click through to the link shown should you get a popularity/heavy traffic alert page first.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

May you have a happy and very prosperous one.



